
A Tant Rêver Du Roi — La Ferronnerie
Label, Concerts, Studio d’enregistrement, Locaux de répétition, Résidences

La Ferronnerie > 10 rue de l’Artisanat – 64110 Jurançon
Programmation / Label > // + 33 (0) [Stéphane Sapanel]
Boutique >
Webmaster > [Arnaud Millan – Pix@Phonie]
Graphisme >  [Yoan Puisségur]

Siège Social > 9 rue de Nogaro – 64000 Pau – France
Siret > 49047968000038 – Code APE > 9001Z – Licence N°3 > PLATESV-D-2022-004969    
Association loi 1901, non assujettie à la TVA


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Distribution A Tant Rêver Du Roi Records
Vous pouvez trouver les disques du label ici >

BAD SEEDS (Brest) // TROU NOIR (Nîmes) // LA FACE CACHEE (Metz)
TRANSAT (Poitiers) // UN SON IMPUR (Rouen) // T-DT-B (Lannion)
BLIND SPOT (Rennes) // MELOMANE (Nantes) // DANGERHOUSE (Lyon)
MTA VINYL SHOP (Valence) // HOME WAX (Angers)
DISCOPHENIA (Juvisy-sur-Orge) // LA BOUTIQUE (Plounéour-Ménez)


Programmation A Tant Rêver Du Roi > Ils sont passés par ici…

2024 >
Mars Red Sky, Berny Beroy, Fiasco, Peter Kernel (CH), Fuck Money (USA),
Deaf Club (USA), Headcases, Mc Dirty Boots, RuinsZu (JP/IT), Tombouctou,
Gablé, Moloch/Monolyth, Black Sugar, Nostromo (CH), Fange, Off Grid…

2023 >
Ryan Kernoa, Extra Life (US), Howlin’ Grassman vs Stompin’ Bigfoot, Arno
de Cea, Jo Quail (UK), Emma Ruth Rundle (US), Romain Baudoin « Arrehar »,
La Baracande, Nightwatchers, Pamplemousse, Mule Jenny, Anthlishinda,
Imperial Triumphant (US), Tout Bleu (CH), Tenko Texas Seduction (CH),
Loons, Cosse, Miët, Messa (IT), Orbel, La Colonie de Vacances, Gendarmery,
PyPy (CA), Sonne Fanny Sonne, Api Uiz, Bacchantes, Cesar Palace, Pressbeat,
Clavicule, Arthur Satan, The Guru Guru, You Said Strange, Drunk Meat,
This Will Destroy Your Ears, Princess Thailand, Meule, Lysistrata, Lisabö
La Jungle, Nastyjoe, Tickles.

2022 >
Jozef Van Wissem (NL), Bambara (US), Closet Disco Queen (CH), Claptrap,
Bruit ≤ , Fiasco, Stuffed Foxes, Youff (BE), Big Brave (CA), Fågelle (SWE),
Pop.1280 (US), Jessica93, Lightning Bolt (US), Antigram, Yes Basketball,
Human Impact (US), Deafkids (BRA), Headless Thoughts, Nastyjoe, Arno
De Cea & The Clockwork Wizards, Elysian Fields (US), Kôhba, Bâtiment,
Tvivler (DK), YGGL, Furie, Grauss Boutique, Astaffort Mods, Karkara,
Wizard, Thisquietarmy, Dewaere, La Jungle (BE), Cheb Shata’, Asbest (CH),
Unsane (US), Gâtechien, This Will Destroy Your Ears, Klaustomi, Jean Jean,
Equipe de Foot, Birds in Row, Zany Landers, Laelia, Conjunto Orchestra

2021 >

Mange Ferraille, Pyjamarama, Rien Virgule, Hint, Kolman Skupp, Meremorte
Fange, Wizard, Nastyjoe, Pretty Inside, Truckks, Ingrina, Cosse, Spelterini,
Poésie dans les Chais, Princess Thailand, Kitch, Vulk, Mourn, Texas Texas,
Yes Basketball, Frustration, Dj Hellvis, Luis Francesco Arena, La Jungle

2020 >
Bison Bisou, Drunk Meat, L’ocelle Mare, « Karawane » Frédéric Jouanlong,
Nightwatchers, Red Mass (CA), Piscine, Officine, Princess Thailand, Cosse,
Poésie dans les Chais, Equipe de Foot

2019 >
Cathedrale, Redrum FC, Narco Terror, Dik Dik Dragon, xix, Membrane, Moop,
Wrekmeister Harmonies (US), Sofy Major, Arno de Cea & the Clockwork Wizards,
Furie, Ogino, Moodie Black (US), VvvV, Luis Francesco Arena, KLS (ES), Mass(e),
Frana (IT), Deafkids (BR), Rakta (BR), Sec, L’oeillère, Chr/o/ne, Astaffort Mods
The Messthetics (US), Tropical Fuck Storm (AUS), Antigram, Phoenician Drive (BE),
Pamplemousse, « Poésie dans les Chais » avec Ryan Kernoa & Pascalle Monnier,
Nicolas Lafourest & Matthieu Brosseau, Otari, Gold (NL), Tigramoto, Nasty Joe,
Colision, Yes Basketball, Slift, Casse Gueule, Miët, Cartouche (BE), Lisabö (EH),
Brutus (BE), The Psychotic Monks, Mnemotechnic, Furie, Henchman, Drose (US),
Camilla Sparksss (CH), Juda Romantique, Louis Jucker & Coilguns (CH), Quentin
Sauvé, La Jungle (BE), Mnemotechnic, Danse Musique Rhônes-Alpes, Tachycardie,
Cesar Palace

2018 >
Kourgane, Chris Brokaw (US), Beach Youth, Waykopp, The World, Dik Dik
Dragon, L’Effondras, Get Your Gun (DK, Buriers (UK), Braziliers, Equipe de Foot,
Pamplemousse, Jesca Hoop (US), Blacklisters (UK), Usa Nails (UK), Sweat Like
An Ape, Sweet Williams (UK), Impure Wilhelmina (CH), Black Sugar, Lebowski (IT),
Deux Boules Vanille, Korto, Le Singe Blanc, Avec le soleil sortant de sa bouche (CA),
Ouzo Bazooka (ISR), Heimat, Ingrina, An Albatross (US), Freak Heat Waves (CA),
Mr Marcaille, This Will Destroy Your Ears, John (UK), Madam, Jozef Van Wissem (NL),
Thé Vanille, Coddiwomple, Braziliers, Nasty Joe, Francky Goes to Pointe à Pitre,
Grauss Boutique, Gendarmery, Rond Héron, Cockpit, Jean Jean, Parmesano (ES),
La Fiole, Yo No Se (UK), Lysistrata, Miss Arkansas 1993, Noyades, Astaffort Mods,
Peter Kernel (CH), Bison Bisou, X-OR​, Romain Baudoin, MellaNoisEscape, Bourbon,
Powersolo (DK),  RougeGorgeRouge, Le Réveil des Tropiques, The KVB (UK),
Drifter, Tigramoto, The Twin Souls

2017 >
Yann Gourdon, Guilhem Lacroux, Moustoile, Merry Crisis, Klaustomi, Zëro, E (US)
Piscine, Bitiop, L’Ocelle Mare, Ingloria, Le Ton Mité (BE), Massicot (CH), Beat Still
Noise Us, Mars Red Sky, La Jungle (BE), Terminal Cheesecake (UK), Kourgane,
Artús, Doble Capa (ES), France, Yass (GER), Storno (GER), Usé, Mnemotechnic,
Api Uiz, Nursery, Les Agamemnonz, Winter Family, Electric Electric, Heads. (GER),
Buildings (US), Dead Like Me, KLS (ES), The Conformists (US), Bear and Forbear,
Smegma, Bagarre Générale, Facteur Sauvage, The Baudelaires (AUS), D’en Haut,
Powerdove (US/FR),  Za! (ES), Big Ok (ES), Duchess Says (CA), Grauss Boutique,
Grand Fracas, Courtial X Kogane, Housewives (UK), La Terre Tremble !!!, Cuello (ES)
Melt-Banana (JP), Ni, Yowie (US), Seabuckthorn (UK), ​Minami Deutsch (JP), Trikini,
Bison Bisou, Mange Ferraille, El Toro Why, Idalg (CA), Le Prince Harry (BE), Salsa,
Futuroscope, Jupiter Lion (ES), Hinterheim, Titanic, Slift, France Sauvage, Superchouette

2016 >
Killerkume (EH), Tomorrow Is The Morrow, Francky Goes to Pointe à Pitre, Tetsuo,
Sheik Anorak, The Patriotic Sunday, Berget (SWE), Matt Elliott (UK), Parpaing 2.2,
1 Primate (Romain Baudoin), Gâtechien, Sister Iodine, Lord Rectangle, L’effondras,
Dj Hellvis, The World, La Jungle (BE),  Gendarmery, It It Anita (BE), Ropoporose,
Papier Tigre, Ultra Zook, Sects Tape (BE), Usa Nails (UK), Le Prince Harry (BE),
Rubican, Motherfucker (US), La Tène (FR/CH), Waykopp, Not Scientists, Zu (IT),
Titanic, Seal of Quality, Johk, Guerilla Poubelle, e-Saxbow, Pylone, Pyjamarama,
Dik Dik Dragon, No Noise No Reduction, Betunizer (ES), Jozef Van Wissem (NL),
Ours, Filiamotsa & Gw.Sok, Elysian Fields (US), Eric Avondo (Phlora), Lost in Kiev,
Totale Eclipse, Outblinker (UK), Enlòc, Ben & Fist, Bouton de Machette, Zarboth,
Abbatha Cash, Kevin Robert Thomson (US)

2015 >
Hretghir, Alabaster, L’intérieur du crocodile, Le Cercle des Mallissimalistes, Merry
Crisis, Pop.1280 (US), Rik Van Looy, Serpette, D’en Haut, Ultra Zook, 1up Collectif,
Subconscient, VvvV, Cigüena (ES), Robot Orchestra, Guess What ?, Kumbaya,
Fajardo, X-OR, Sec, Imparto, Piscine, Za! (ES), Laetitia Sheriff, Get Your Gun (DK),
Damage Case, Goodbye Diana, Seal of Quality, Deux Boules Vanille, Barberos (UK),
Trostski Nautique, Ultra Panda, We Insist!, Moon Module, Messy Mess Orchestra,
Lederhosen Lucil / Krista Muir (CAN), Smegma, Möldy Gütz, Gentle Veincut (GER),
Knox, Grorr, Hands up who wants to die (IR), Throat (FIN), Hebosagil (FIN), Dj Hellvis,
Peter Kernel (CH), Waykopp, Dawn of Justice, Beat still noise us, Dope Body (US),
Le Mutant, Pneu, Don Vito (GER), Mosca Violenta, Betunizer (ES), Enablers (US),
Ryan Kernoa, Coubiac (BE), Marble Feather, Zeus! (IT)

2014 >
Probosci (US), Mike Watt & The Missingmen (US), Guess What ? (UK), L’oeillère,
France, Artús, Ten Volt Shock (GER), Harpon, No Spill Blood (IR), Papaye, Binidu,
Baxter Stockman (FIN), The Healthy Boy,  Betunizer (ES), The Patriotic Sunday,
Mr le Directeur, Francky Goes to Pointe à Pitre,  Seb & the Rhaa Dicks, Lahius,
Renaud Butô, Ultracoït, Hawks (US), Aurost, Collectif Ptäh, Cocktail Bananas, Sec,
Mistress Bomb H,  Jessica 93, Romain Baudoin, Shellac (US), Dark Mireille, Uns,
Room 204, Biscuit Mouth (UK), Bagarre Générale, Sheik Anorak, Mucho Tapioca,
Messer Chups (RUS), Zeus! (IT), The Balladurians, Street Eaters (US), Vaz (US),
Imparto, Twin Pricks,  Arno de Cea & The Clockwork Wizards, Wellington 1084,
Daikaiju (US), It It Anita (BE), Pord, Marble Feather, Stereozor, Mr Protector

2013 >
Le Singe Blanc, Magneto, Kolman Skupp, Drive with a dead girl, Berline 0.33, Motto,
Uzeda (IT), A Snake of June, Master Voice, Schnaak (GER), Uniform Motion, Moinho,
Danisco (For Beauty), Sunshine Messy Mess Parker, Cars Know, My Name is Nobody,
Pedro de la Hoya, A Band of Buriers (UK),  Mein Sohn William, Choochooshoeshoot,
Unicornibot (ES), Romain Baudoin, Bagarre Générale, Tom Bodlin, Blacklisters (UK),
Papier Tigre, Mnemotechnic, Mr Protector, Rosvita (ES), Kourgane, Micah Gaugh (US),
Three Second Kiss (IT), Marvin, The Balladurians, Kouma, Gull (US), Semi Playback,
Io Monade Stanca (IT), Piscine,  Body/Head (US), Francky Goes to Pointe-à-Pitre,
Dark Mireille, Friskies, Enablers (US), Imparto, Laetitia Sheriff

2012 >
Eddy Crampes, But the Planes are not made out of Paper, Danisco (For Beauty), Zëro,
Sunshine Parker, The Balladurians, Master Voice, Astreinte, Marylin Rambo, Kourgane,
No Faience!, Pedro de la Hoya, Vélooo, Electric Electric, Marvin, Fordamage, L’oeillère,
Pneu, Tostadas (ES), L’ocelle Mare, Commodore (CH), Adolina (BE), Shub, Desicobra,
Picore (ES), Bitterchupchupwelose, Chausse Trappe,  Aerôflôt, 1up Collectif, Kat Ca-I,
X-OR,  Calva,  Chocolat Billy, Buildings (US), Hawks (US), Poino (UK), One Lick Less,
Jean Jean, The Forks, Viva Bazooka (EH), Street Eaters (US), Strasbourg, Ultra Panda,
Pylône, Art Flûte, Mombu (IT)

2011 >
Goudron, Art Flûte, Carusella (IS), Oso el Roto,  Shape2, Forêt, Lucertulas (IT), Shub,
Semi Playback, Tapetto Traci,  L’oeillère,  Le Singe Blanc,  Tetsuo, Grande Duke (UK),
Tormenta, Calva, Oxes (US), Pienza Ethnorkestra, Heliogabale, Econo (UK), Ravaillac,
Familha Artus, Kourgane, Treehorn (IT), The Conformists (US), Cheer-Accident (US),
Verdun, Oxbow (US), The Konki Duet,  Dragan l’étoile rouge, La Parade de Gâtechien,
Cheap Chaser, Taifun (BE), Betunizer (ES), Dead Elephant (IT), Fajardo (ES), Vélooo,
Gentlemen & Assassins (US),  Karawane de Frédéric Jouanlong-Bernadou, Kandinsky,
Goat River, But the Planes are not made out of Paper, Cherry but no cake (UK), Papaye,
The Oldguys,  Alexis Gideon (US), Danisco (For Beauty), Chevreuil Sakit (FR/US),
Headwax, Papier Tigre

2010 >
Pneu, Don Vito (GER), So So Modern (N-Z), Aucan (IT), Due Ragazzi, Gordon Cole (ES),
Tostadas (ES),  Vélooo,  Semi Playback,  Calva, 1up Collectif, Eugene Chadbourne (US),
Ravaillac, Io Monade Stanca (IT), Enablers (US), Kourgane, The Bitter Tears (US), Zero,
The Welter Quartet,  Marvin, Tapetto Traci, Rosvita (ES), The Balladurians, Picore (ES),
Câlin, Laetitia Sheriff, Betunizer (ES), Bitterchupchupwelose, 1up Collectif, Bellini (IT),
Mr Protector, But the Planes are not made out of Paper, The Enterprise, Subcity Stories,
Commodore (CH), Master & Servant, Tetsuo, TV Buddhas (IS), X-OR, The Supermarket,
Eddy Crampes, Laure Briard, Reznik (ES), Up Yours, Valina (AUT), Papaye, Piano Chat

2009 >
Pneu, Calva, Erizo, Akiko, Elephants, V13, Bewildered, Vélooo, Gary Skc, Pitsky, B.O.B,
Monsieur Brenson, ÖFÖ Am, Adolina (BE), Triclops (US), Picore (ES), 1up Collectif,
Pedro de la Hoya, My Disco (AUS), Scul Hazzards (AUS), Grey Daturas (AUS), Monarch,
Io Monade Stanca (IT), Bhava (IT), Gamin Gauche, Commodor (CH), Kourgane, Tetsuo,
Do You Compute, Choochooshoeshoot, Les Yves, Prosperr, Rosvita (ES), Goodbye Diana,
The Joe K-Plan (ES), Mimas (DK), Ox Scapula (UK), Cherry but no Cake (UK), Art Flûte,
The Bitter Tears (US), But the Planes are not made out of Paper, Moraine, Sincabeza,
Decurs (ES), Laurent Paradot, Meringue Alcohol and us, Pitom (US), Master & Servant,
Decapante (ES), Ho-Ag (US), The Supermarket, Alexis Gideon (US), Curasan (ES),
Shelley Short (US), Wellington 1084

2008 >
Charlottefield (UK), Vélooo, Moha! (NOR), Tetsuo, Gary SKC, Dr Livingstone, Darling (CH),
Moraine, Warehouse, Gamin Gauche, Decapante, Master and Servant, So So Modern (N-Z),
Cherry but no Cake (UK), Danisco (For Beauty), One Second Riot, Dure-Mère, Ed Wood Jr,
Das Model,  Early Puppets, Payday,  Jean Parallèle et Batterie Jambe, Rosvita, Neptune (US),
Ahleuchatistas, Tapetto Traci, Doppler, Zero, Sibyl Vane, Solanums, Fordamage, Kourgane,
My Name is Nobody, Storm {O}, Incoming Cerebral Overdrive, Prosperr, Calva

2007 >
Marvin, Dr Gonzo, Berlin vs Brooklyn, Gary SKC, Prosperr, Jordan, Tapetto Traci, Sincabeza
Glen or Glenda, Semi Playback, X-OR, Sunshine Parker, Martin & Dubois, Cercueil, Bizoum,
L’amicale des Feux-Follets, Tetsuo, Faun Fables, Marvin, Superbeatnik, Payday, Sibyl Vane,
Data,  Un Homme et une Femme, Yelho, Hashkina, Belone Quartet,  Edible Woman (IT),
The Sentimentals, Master and Servant, Rosvita, Decapante, V13, Grumpf Quartet, Art Flûte,
Les Mémoires de l’oeil, Twee Cat Trip,  Bewildered, Subcity Stories, Danisco (For Beauty)
Las Vegas Dead Brides, The Projectivers, Berlin vs Brooklyn, Papier Tigre, Percevalmusic,
The Robocop Kraus (GER),  So So Modern (N-Z), Les Yves, My Own Private Alaska, Velo,
Bob Corn (IT), Three in one Gentleman Suit (IT), Gamin Gauche, Mr Protector, Kourgane,
Maybe You’re Motherfucker, Estradasphere Trio (US)

2006 >
Marvin, Prosperr, Zu (IT), Hypos, Dj Dallas Vermouth, Tetsuo, Tapetto Traci, Art Flûte,
Grumpf Quartet, Master and Servant, Milgram, Eddy Crampes, Bocage, Le Coq, Sibyl Vane,
Danisco Food, The Containers, X-OR, Kourgane, Grand Bureau, Dj Pongo, Antena Tres,
Beessies Forever, Sabot (CZ), Mr Protector, Gâtechien, The Underground Children, Velo

2005 >
Tapetto Traci, Beessies, Prosperr, Klavisklav Burning Project, Danisco Food, Tetsuo,
Michel et Michel, Berlin vs Brooklyn, Master and Servant, Les Yves, Kourgane,
Les Hormones, Les Belmont


Nos partenaires >
La ville de Pau, La ville de Jurançon, La Centrifugeuse, L’Atelier du Neez, Librairie Bachi-Bouzouk,
Hart Brut, Cinéma Le Méliès, Fla-Kultur, PCP, Médiathèque André Labarrère, Festival Rock This Town…